Thursday, October 31, 2013


Well the evening went well. It looked like it was going to be pretty miserable around 4 o'clock, it was very windy and rainy. But by 5:30 when we went out it was actually pretty warm. Still windy but warm so that was good.

Ilia's first venture out she was getting the hang of things, it was slow going and there were a few houses she wouldn't go to because they were too scary. We were probably only out for like 15-20 min before she wanted to go home. When we got home we dumped her meagre earnings on the floor, she got a few pieces then we put the rest away. At which point she looked at me and said "We have to go get more candy" so I dressed her up again and we headed back out on the town.

Our second trip was about 40 min and we ended up hitting quite a few houses before her feet got tired and I had to carry her home. The wind died down nicely though so it was a pretty great evening. Doesn't hurt that I got most of the afternoon off since everyone's going out to the field tomorrow.

Now to relax and maybe get some SWTOR in.

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