Sunday, June 2, 2013

June hu?

   I can't believe June is already here. This year has been going so fast it's unbelievable. 

   Two main things going on in my life right now. First off and most important, is that my son is soon to be born. The current due date is 17 Jun and I'm totally psyched about it. It is impossible to tell, of course, when he will actually make his joyous appearance into the world but I can't wait to find out. 

   The second thing is that I'm attempting to transfer from the Armoured Corps in the Canadian Forces, over to RMS Clerk. This is a process that has been going on since Nov 2011 when I made my first application, which was rejected due to the fact that I needed 6 more months in the Crewman trade before I could apply again. About this this time last year I re-appled. Since then I've been doing on-the-job training in the Regimental Orderly room, where I have been for over a year. 

   There was a directive that came out saying that Occupational Transfers (OTs) would have their acceptances sent out in late April/early May, and rejections would be sent out in late may. Obviously as of last Friday I was rather miffed to find I hadn't received anything. I asked the Chief Clerk to look into it for me and she informed me that some OTs had been sent out but others were on hold. They didn't know why or how long it was going to be. So as you can imagine I'm pretty impressed with that. 

   Once mid-May came around I resigned myself to the idea that my OT was going to come back rejected, meaning I would go down to the tank troops again. I've been mentally preparing myself to receive that message for a few months now. So much so that I was almost excited to do so. However now knowing that I have to wait even longer with no answer either-way has made me question if this is still something I want to do or not. It is. And if the OT offer comes in, I will accept it. However I still won't loose much sleep if it does come back rejected. So time will tell. 

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