Saturday, July 28, 2012

So my plan right now for cementing everything else I need for my character is going through GW2 Wiki and looking under the sub headings on the main page until I have everything I need to know:

1) Race: Norn
2) Profession: Warrior
3) Server: Isle of Janthir
4) Trait Build & Weapon Choices: I would really like to go with a Sword+Shield / Rifle or Bow but I have to see how viable that is first.
   - One problem with making this choice is that it all depends on what I want to do i.e. PVE PVE WvW.
   - Control is probably going to be more important for pve and pvp as apposed to group buffs which would be more useful in an instance setting. I could just make 2 builds, one for dungeons with lots of buffs and one for the rest.
   - Endure pain sounds like it's good for pretty much any purpose. But may have a long cooldown.
   - There is a trait that increases precision by the number of inactive signets you have.
   - Mixing Precision and crit damage would be a good combo. Discipline/Arms.
   - Rifle/Sword is a good combo as they are both bleed based, Longbow is about burning.
   - They did up the warrior range to 1200.
Sword/Shield + Rifle Build|9|60|66|227|3903|246|10|836|0|0|30|1525|2363|1523|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|30|1107|1109|1545|0|0|

5) Personality traits: Dignity
6) Crafting: Armor + Weapon Smith. A lot of people will probably be doing this off the hop but I want to be able to make gear for myself and...come on... they're cool.

Friday, July 27, 2012

So today I cemented my choice of playing a Norn Warrior in Guild Wars 2. I'm getting pretty pumped and I have resubbed to the old Guild Wars 2 podcasts that I had otherwise quite listening too because I was experiencing a lull in my excitement for the game. I really really want to play right now and I'm sad that I missed the BWE 3 but not horribly since it was my sister's wedding I was attending, which was a pretty good time. 

Now that I have cemented my class choice it's time to start looking up everything I can get my hands on to try to hash out as much as I can. It'll be that much less I have to figure out on release day.